Is Your "Woke Bae" Really as Woke as He Claims to Be?

So you think your date is the ultimate social justice warrior, huh? Well, before you go falling head over heels for their "woke" persona, you might want to do a little digging. After all, actions speak louder than words, right? If you're curious about exploring all aspects of your potential partner's personality, including their kinks and desires, you might want to check out Darlington's ultimate hookup scene. You never know what you might uncover!

In today's world, being "woke" has become a popular term to describe someone who is socially aware and progressive. Many people, especially those in the dating scene, are looking for partners who are not only attractive and fun, but also socially conscious and politically active. However, it's important to be aware that not everyone who claims to be "woke" actually lives up to that label. Here are 15 signs that the guy you're dating might not be the "woke bae" he thinks he is.

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1. He Doesn't Listen to Your Experiences

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One of the key components of being "woke" is being able to listen to and empathize with the experiences of others. If your guy constantly dismisses or belittles your experiences as a woman, person of color, or member of the LGBTQ+ community, then he might not be as "woke" as he claims.

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2. He Only Cares About Social Issues When It's Convenient

Is your guy only interested in social justice and political activism when it's a trendy topic or when it directly affects him? True "woke" individuals understand that social issues are ongoing and require consistent attention and action, not just when it's convenient.

3. He Doesn't Educate Himself

Being "woke" means actively seeking out knowledge and understanding of social issues. If your guy doesn't take the time to educate himself on topics like racism, sexism, or LGBTQ+ rights, then he might not be as socially aware as he claims.

4. He Doesn't Challenge His Privilege

A truly "woke" individual is aware of their privilege and actively works to challenge it. If your guy is oblivious to his privilege and doesn't work to dismantle systems of oppression, then he might not be as "woke" as he thinks.

5. He Uses Social Justice Issues for Personal Gain

Some people use social justice issues as a way to boost their own image or gain attention. If your guy exploits social justice issues for personal gain, then he might not be as genuine in his activism as he claims.

6. He Belittles Activism

If your guy belittles or mocks activism and social justice efforts, then he might not be as "woke" as he claims. A truly socially aware individual understands the importance of activism and supports those who are fighting for change.

7. He Doesn't Respect Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is an important aspect of being socially aware. If your guy consistently crosses your boundaries or doesn't respect your autonomy, then he might not be as "woke" as he claims.

8. He Doesn't Acknowledge Intersectionality

True "woke" individuals understand the concept of intersectionality and how different forms of oppression intersect. If your guy doesn't acknowledge or understand this concept, then he might not be as socially aware as he claims.

9. He Doesn't Recognize Microaggressions

Microaggressions are subtle forms of discrimination or derogatory comments. If your guy doesn't recognize or understand microaggressions, then he might not be as "woke" as he claims.

10. He Doesn't Support Marginalized Communities

A truly "woke" individual actively supports and uplifts marginalized communities. If your guy doesn't show support for these communities, then he might not be as socially aware as he claims.

11. He Doesn't Hold Himself Accountable

Being "woke" means being willing to acknowledge and address your own biases and mistakes. If your guy doesn't hold himself accountable for his actions, then he might not be as socially aware as he claims.

12. He Doesn't Confront Prejudiced Behavior

True "woke" individuals are not afraid to confront prejudiced behavior, even if it comes from friends or family. If your guy shies away from confronting prejudice, then he might not be as socially aware as he claims.

13. He Doesn't Understand the Importance of Language

Language is a powerful tool in social justice efforts. If your guy doesn't understand the importance of using inclusive and respectful language, then he might not be as "woke" as he claims.

14. He Doesn't Support Your Activism

If your guy doesn't support your own activism or social justice efforts, then he might not be as socially aware as he claims.

15. He Doesn't Show Empathy

Empathy is a key component of being "woke." If your guy lacks empathy for others and their experiences, then he might not be as socially aware as he claims.


In today's dating scene, it's important to be aware that not everyone who claims to be "woke" actually lives up to that label. If you've noticed any of the signs mentioned above in the guy you're dating, it might be time to reevaluate whether he truly aligns with your values and beliefs. Remember, being "woke" is not just about words, but about actions and genuine commitment to social justice and equality.